
Category: Core Docs

Membership Structure & Plan

When a new member joins the UA network, they’re given access to a platform where they can contribute time, money and resources in exchange for experience, expertise and investment in projects and businesses.

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Action Speaks Louder: Call To Action

UA’s platform will help us to live more fulfilling lives by building sustainable and stable neighborhoods and by creating efficient systems that allow us to use our time wisely and effectively.

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Creating Hyper-local Scale

Neighborhoods that see themselves as resourceful and capable are more likely to utilize the gifts and skills of their residents to solve local issues.

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Diverse people joining hands together teamwork and community concept

Community Focused Development

The cycle of capital drain from the periphery to the core will be broken only through implementation of a new economic system based on innovation, equity and community ownership.

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RRAY & Reputation: Basic Urban Array Tokens

RRAY Urban Array’s digital asset RRAY facilitates and tracks participation and exchange within the UA cooperative network.  Within Urban Array, contributions go beyond the financial. Every one of us has inherent value, regardless of socioeconomic status. Non-monetary contributions of time, labor, expertise and connections grow community resources and create stability. 

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Construction planning drawings

The Blueprint:

Our platform coordinates and executes initiatives, from building community farms to rehabilitating abandoned properties to supporting businesses developed by our members.

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